Described as a cross between Indiana Jones, Scooby Doo and Labyrinth, Ade and his companion Steph are looking for evidence of the very first boy band, which they believe can be found in the lost Temple of Who. There are riddles and challenges they need to solve on their way which your pupils are asked to help solve to enable Ade and Steph reach their goal.
Written around the national curriculum for KS1 mathematics, Ade Venture is an exciting classroom tool to help your pupils get excited about mathematics and problem solving.
There are currently three different maths topics to choose from:
- Fractions
- Geometry
- Number sentences
Ade and Steph encounter different challenges on their quest. With hands on resources that bring the on screen challenges to life, your pupils will be asked to join on the adventure and help solve the challenges.
Get in touch now to bring Ade Venture to your school.