Action Pussycat Party Bags
Action Pussycat can provide you with great party bags, giving you an even easier party experience. Not only will you save time and effort you also save money! Because I buy in bulk, you get better quality and value for money!
Another advantage is that there’s no need for you to buy 6 of this and 10 of that, leaving you lots of bits and bobs left over. You only pay for the bags you actually use on the day. If some of your guests do not appear, you do not pay for the extra bags. Simples!
Value Bags: 80p
A brightly coloured bag containing:
4 full sized felt tips, Pencil, Colouring picture, Novelty Rubber, Peppa Pig Stickers, Jigsaw.
Not suitable for under 3 year olds.

Sweet Party Cone: £1
A cone bag with an Action Pussycat label filled with:
Millions, Cola Bottles, Gummy Bears, Shrimps, Chewy Bananas, Rainbow Strip, Marshmallows, A lolly pop, 2 sherbet sticks

Mr Bowns Activity Book: £3.00
Written and Illustrated by Ade Bowen
Based on the Mr Bowns fairy tale, this book is packed with fun games and ideas to get children active.
Normal RRP £3.99

Mega Sweet Party Cone: £1.50
A cone bag with an Action Pussycat label filled with: More millions, More gummy bears, More cola bottles, Double the sherbert straws, Double the lollies, More chewy bananas, More shrimps. More marshmallows. The same amount of rainbow strips. PLUS a gummy snake, tango raspberry Bon bons, jelly beans and a temporary tattoo. Choose from princesses, fairies, superheroes and dinosaurs!